MST Marshall Tester
MST testers are designed specially by getting successfully the pressure when plastic pugs is extruded from fixed moulds, and has two control modes: intelligent controller and IPC. The test results are very stable and reliable.
The tester is mainly used to test plasticity and strength which pugs is extruded out from fixed moulds. It can appraise very well workability of pugs, and is perfect in the application fields of unshaped refractories, such as kinds of pugs.
1、 试验机采用立式机架,配专用炮泥挤出模具;
2、 采用针摆减速电机,滚珠丝杆无间隙传动。以可靠的变频技术爲基础,实现了高精度的恒应力加荷速率控制或恒加荷位移速率控制;
3、 基于Windows平台自主开发的测控软件,为用户提供了方便快捷的设备的计量检定和日常维护辅助功能。可连续绘制挤出过程力值的变化率;
4、 操作简便、性能优良,是冶金、陶瓷、建材等行业理想的检测仪器。
(For more information, please call the Advisory)